Samuel Lind: Portales
On View: September 27, 2019-January 11, 2020
Portales (Portals) is the first significant exhibition of painting and sculpture by Samuel Lind, b. 1953, in Philadelphia. The show brings together several avenues of exploration within Lind’s 50-year career. Some of which have not been exhibited together before.
As part of the curatorial selection, the show puts together artwork related to the artist’s spiritual voyage and healing practices from the African Diaspora, not only of his native Loíza but also his imagination.
In his work, Lind also calls attention to the dangers of climate change. In this exhibition, there is a sculpture in honor of Loiza’s mangrove that speaks of ancient gods and the security of the mangroves to escaped slaves. The inclusion of household objects, amulets, and totems brings the artist’s home and a presence of his town of Loíza to Taller.
Present in the exhibition is a selection of his serigraph prints that speak of Loíza’s Afro Caribbean traditions. Many of which, like bomba playing and dance representations, as well as plena, have become emblematic of Puerto Rican culture. Lind is an artist concerned with preservation, Puerto Rico’s African roots with all its history, and the current tensions due to climate change and gentrification.
Portales es la más reciente amplia exhibición del artista Samuel Lind, de los últimos años. La muestra recopila varias rutas de exploración dentro de la carrera cincuentenaria del artista, al igual que reúne importantes componentes de su obra, algunos de las cuales nunca antes han sido exhibidos en conjunto.
Como parte de la selección curatorial, el trabajo abarca varios temas dentro de la senda espiritual y de sanación del artista, tal y como las tradiciones de las religiones de la diáspora africana, la manifestación de sus raíces loiceñas, pero también, el producto de su imaginación. En su arte, el mangle de Loíza se hace palpable y objetos caseros, amuletos hechos a mano, deidades, y artículos obsequiados, forman parte del universo artístico de Samuel Lind.
La muestra contiene una robusta selección de la obra serigráfica que Samuel ha producido en las últimas 5 décadas y que responden a una pluralidad de tradiciones provenientes de Loíza Aldea, Puerto Rico.
Lind es un artista sumamente preocupado y comprometido con conservar, no solo las tradiciones afro-puertorriqueñas, sino también con la preservación del ambiente.
Curator: José Ortiz-Pagán

Funding for the exhibition & talk has been provided by a generous grant from PNC Arts Alive and the National Endowment for the Arts

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OPening reception:
September 27 @ 5:30 PM - 8:00
Join us for a discussion on strategies and needed policies for addressing the ever-increasing dangers of climate change. The forum will be moderated by Carlos Martínez Rivera, Ph D, amphibian biologist at the Philadelphia Zoo, and features Puerto Rican environmentalist, Fernando Silva Caraballo, Director of Institute of Science for the Conservation of the Environment (InCiCo), Executive Director Meg DeBrito of Greengrow, and artist, Samuel Lind.
Panel que considera cómo el arte puede jugar un rol catalizador creando conciencia sobre el ambiente.