Personalizing Place in the Latino Community
Latino communities transform public places in their communities into personal ones. These transformations fit with the idea of making a home, for a specific place is more than a house […]
Claiming Places: Unity, Ownership, & Hogar 2012-13 Cycle

Claiming Places: Unity, Ownership, and âHogarâ (Home) is a concerted effort to use art to reveal, question, engage and stimulate community dialogue on questions of “ownershipâ and the consequences of […]
Children and Youth Create Art (2012)

August 10 – September 14, 2012 Highlights of the children and youthâs work from the previous year after school programs and summer camp. A sample of the work traveled to […]
Arte Bendito/Arte Filantropico (Blessed Art/Philanthropic Art)

June 15 – July 20, 2012 The exhibition is a compilation of three art installations and a series of recent small paintings that interweave iconography, narrative landscapes, and still lifes. […]
David Antonio Cruz: Take a Bite, el duende always travelsâ¦light

April 27 – June 2, 2012 David Antonio Cruz A multifaceted exhibition featuring painting, sculpture, sound, and video that explores migration, gluttony, duende, exclusivity, and consumption of the American Dream. […]
Natalie Negrón: VINYLBOMB

February 10 – April 28th, 2012 in El VestÃbulo Exhibition Space Natalie Negrónâs abstract works in VinylBomb feature a diverse assemblage of patterns, textures, and materials. Negrón is a mixed […]