Three Kings Day Celebration 2022

Register by January 3rd/ All Ages

January 6 is a special day in the Latin world; it is the height of the Christmas Season when the three kings, Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, march into town delivering gifts for the children.  Taller’s El Día de Reyes comes to el Barrio on Thursday, January 6th, with live music, gift-giving, and a parade.

We will meet The Three Kings in the atrium and continue with music and song to the back of the building and around the front into the theater where the children will receive a gift and listen to the story of the kings. In keeping with the tradition, the children must bring a small box with grass (cut paper or something similar is acceptable).  The event is conducted in Spanish and English and is free to all. Kids must be registered by January 3rd to receive gifts.

Contact Dominic Moret at or 215-426-3311 for more information.

Download, complete, and return the registration form below.